November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014

Today was a nice day to rest a bit. It was warmer so the snow did start to melt a bit but it won’t be long until more comes I bet. I am going to enjoy some time to rest but I also like to keep busy so it really is a conundrum I suppose. It will be warmer tomorrow at least.

I have been doing a little writing but not much really. I need to work on it more since I have had some really good ideas lately I want to use now. I will try and get a new chapter posted up before the end of the week I think at this rate though.

November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014

Well I ended up working all day today helping a friend move yet again, but made some good money. I have tomorrow off to relax so that is a good thing since this job took a lot out of me. I am willing to wait for snow to come and have some time off for a change for sure now!

I have started to read A Season of Ice and Fire again as well, so maybe this time I will actually finish the second book. I plan to read all of them, and then maybe watch Game of Thrones, but usually the book is better and ruins the show when you do finally watch it.

November 28, 2014

November 28, 2014

Well I worked most of the day today helping someone move. I will be doing it again tomorrow as well. I am hoping tomorrow goes quick once he gets the truck and we load it up. There should be a good bit of people helping us so I am hoping it goes smoothly.

It has been colder than they said it would be but it may warm up over Sunday and Monday and stay a little warmer. I am not sure what to think of the snow we got as I assumed it would have all melted by now but it didn’t melt yet.

November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I ended up working all day shoveling snow. Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

November 26, 2014

November 26, 2014

Well it snowed today and we have around 6 inches. I did a few driveways today but I will need to redo some of them since it will keep snowing until around midnight tonight. I hate doing them like this but people wanted them done so who was I to argue with them.

I will be VERY busy tomorrow, which means money in my pocket. I need to see if I can tune the one engine on the Toro S620 since it was not really throwing the snow at all. It was pretty much pushing it along. I will mess with it tomorrow and see what I can do.

November 25, 2014

November 25, 2014

Well today worked out well. Both small Toro snow blowers are running, the belt on the Troy Bilt is tightened up, so it should throw snow farther this year. I will have to see how it works, and how much we even get and when it stops to determine what I am doing tomorrow of course.

I will more than likely be working all day on Thursday to get everything done since people are going to want it done before the family and other guests show up for dinner. This is one of the joys of working on the holiday of course.

November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

Today was a really warm day but I didn’t have time to do what I had planned. I will fix the Toro S620 tomorrow, as well as seeing if I can tighten the belt on the Troy Bilt. The rumor is 6 inches of snow Wednesday into Thursday so I may be busy and need to be ready!

I did work on the book a bit more and I think I can post Chapter 30 soon! I am over 50,000 words as well when I do get the chapter posted soon. I am pretty excited and thought of some really good ideas I will be using now. I love free writing sometimes for this reason alone.

November 23, 2014

November 23, 2014

I ended up doing some work today cleaning up leaves so I made some money which is a good thing but now the rumor is a possible snow storm Wednesday into Thursday so Thanksgiving plans may be canceled if I need to work. Snow doesn’t take a holiday!

The one says there is a good chance of over 6 inches of snow. I am looking forward to this since I will be getting the S620 running tomorrow and what better way to tune the engine than by using it on some snow! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!

November 22, 2014

November 22, 2014

It was a chilly day today, but it will be a warm 54 tomorrow so I plan on trying to do some work tomorrow if all goes well. I have 2 planned but looking for a few more last minute leaf clean ups to do at least. I will probably rain tomorrow night but it will be over 60 on Monday!

I worked on the book more, so now I am up to 50,000 words. I am pretty excited, even though the official word count is around 49,300 because the other words are part of the next chapter that needs to be uploaded when it is done soon. I have some really good ideas I am going to use so I am really excited!

November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014

Today was still cold, and again I did nothing. I keep saying I might have a last minute job or two, but really I have no clue if or when. I should find out and ask a few people really. I did work on my book a bit more so I guess I did do something after all really.

It will be warming up a bit over the weekend so I plan to do a bit of work on the snow blower like changing the oil. I also need to see if I can tighten up the belt and make it throw a bit better as well. I want to be prepared for the snow, if it ever comes.